
Our church celebrates God’s presence in our praise and worship. No matter if we’re by ourselves, with a small group, or with hundreds of people; any time we express our love to God, whether in private or public, we’re worshiping. We believe worship shouldn’t be a religious duty. We worship God because we want to magnify and exalt his name.



Our church incorporates God’s family into our fellowship. We provide a warm, authentic community, welcoming new believers into the body of Christ through baptism. Being in God’s family means we are not alone; we have each other for support. You weren’t just meant to believe; you were made to belong.


Our church educates God’s people through discipleship. After someone has made a decision for Christ, it is our responsibility to develop them to spiritual maturity, teaching them to obey Christ and become more like him in their thoughts, feelings, and actions. This is God’s will for every believer.

Bishop Shines Praying For Gov Scott


Our church demonstrates God’s love through ministry or service. Ministry is showing God’s love to others by meeting their needs and healing their hurts in the name of Jesus. We believe the church is to minister to all kinds of needs: spiritual, emotional, relational, and physical. Every time you reach out in love to someone else, you are ministering to them.


Our church communicates God’s Word through evangelism. We are ambassadors for Christ and believe it is our responsibility to share the Good News wherever we go. In fact, evangelism is more than our responsibility; it is our great privilege. As long as there is one person in the world who doesn’t know Christ, our church will continue to reach out.

Orlando Evangelism