Surrendering the Secret – Abortion Support Group
Jan 2 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Surrendering the Secret Support Group

It is estimated that close to 43% (1 out of 3) women of childbearing age have experienced an abortion. These are your sisters, mothers, wives and friends. These women and the men that they are connected to carry an incredible burden of silence and heartache. Many struggle for years with repressed memories, guilt, shame and depression. Most women feel they are not allowed to talk about their abortion experience, especially in church. The truth is many women who have had an abortion suffer from symptoms of post-abortion grief and trauma, but rarely have a safe environment to express their feelings and remorse.
If you feel you have never completely healed or recovered from an abortion experience, or that a past abortion may be affecting your current quality of life, then Surrendering the Secret is for you. This study offers a 6 step biblical healing model led by leaders who have been where you are or have experience in helping Women and Men in post stress situations.

Our Mission is to provide a supportive and confidential environment that facilitates healing and restoration from a past abortion, and bringing a sense of hope and purpose for the future.
If you have had an experience with abortion in the past, then join us for one of our upcoming Support/Bible Study Sessions by signing the form below.

The Support Group will start on Saturday, January 2 – Saturday, February 20, 2016.


If you would feel more comfortable reaching out to a Support Group Leader to find out more about the group, or to sign up, please contact us at (813) 609-8680 or g2ghelpwithabortion@gmail.com.

For more information about the Surrendering the Secret organization, or post abortion resources, please visit: http://surrenderingthesecret.com

Surrendering the Secret – Abortion Support Group
Jan 9 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Surrendering the Secret Support Group

It is estimated that close to 43% (1 out of 3) women of childbearing age have experienced an abortion. These are your sisters, mothers, wives and friends. These women and the men that they are connected to carry an incredible burden of silence and heartache. Many struggle for years with repressed memories, guilt, shame and depression. Most women feel they are not allowed to talk about their abortion experience, especially in church. The truth is many women who have had an abortion suffer from symptoms of post-abortion grief and trauma, but rarely have a safe environment to express their feelings and remorse.
If you feel you have never completely healed or recovered from an abortion experience, or that a past abortion may be affecting your current quality of life, then Surrendering the Secret is for you. This study offers a 6 step biblical healing model led by leaders who have been where you are or have experience in helping Women and Men in post stress situations.

Our Mission is to provide a supportive and confidential environment that facilitates healing and restoration from a past abortion, and bringing a sense of hope and purpose for the future.
If you have had an experience with abortion in the past, then join us for one of our upcoming Support/Bible Study Sessions by signing the form below.

The Support Group will start on Saturday, January 2 – Saturday, February 20, 2016.


If you would feel more comfortable reaching out to a Support Group Leader to find out more about the group, or to sign up, please contact us at (813) 609-8680 or g2ghelpwithabortion@gmail.com.

For more information about the Surrendering the Secret organization, or post abortion resources, please visit: http://surrenderingthesecret.com

Surrendering the Secret – Abortion Support Group
Jan 16 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Surrendering the Secret Support Group

It is estimated that close to 43% (1 out of 3) women of childbearing age have experienced an abortion. These are your sisters, mothers, wives and friends. These women and the men that they are connected to carry an incredible burden of silence and heartache. Many struggle for years with repressed memories, guilt, shame and depression. Most women feel they are not allowed to talk about their abortion experience, especially in church. The truth is many women who have had an abortion suffer from symptoms of post-abortion grief and trauma, but rarely have a safe environment to express their feelings and remorse.
If you feel you have never completely healed or recovered from an abortion experience, or that a past abortion may be affecting your current quality of life, then Surrendering the Secret is for you. This study offers a 6 step biblical healing model led by leaders who have been where you are or have experience in helping Women and Men in post stress situations.

Our Mission is to provide a supportive and confidential environment that facilitates healing and restoration from a past abortion, and bringing a sense of hope and purpose for the future.
If you have had an experience with abortion in the past, then join us for one of our upcoming Support/Bible Study Sessions by signing the form below.

The Support Group will start on Saturday, January 2 – Saturday, February 20, 2016.


If you would feel more comfortable reaching out to a Support Group Leader to find out more about the group, or to sign up, please contact us at (813) 609-8680 or g2ghelpwithabortion@gmail.com.

For more information about the Surrendering the Secret organization, or post abortion resources, please visit: http://surrenderingthesecret.com

55 & Older Singles/Singles Again Mingle @ G2G Ministries EDGE Room
Jan 17 @ 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

This event is for all men and women, ages 55 and over, that are single or single again and enjoy meeting people. We are interested participants that are interested in sharing ideas of how this group can mingle and have wholesome fellowship with other.

At the end of this interest meeting, we expect to meet our goal of developing ideas and socials that will be of interest to everyone yet pleasing to God.

Please call the church office if you are interested and provide the following required information so we can be in contact with you prior to the meeting:

Name: ____________________________ Date of Birth: __/__/____

Name of Church You Attend (if any: ___________________________

Contact Information: Telephone: _______________________ Email Address:__________________

If you attend services at G2G Ministries, you may sign up in the church lobby.

We are looking forward to meeting you on January 17th!

Surrendering the Secret – Abortion Support Group
Jan 23 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Surrendering the Secret Support Group

It is estimated that close to 43% (1 out of 3) women of childbearing age have experienced an abortion. These are your sisters, mothers, wives and friends. These women and the men that they are connected to carry an incredible burden of silence and heartache. Many struggle for years with repressed memories, guilt, shame and depression. Most women feel they are not allowed to talk about their abortion experience, especially in church. The truth is many women who have had an abortion suffer from symptoms of post-abortion grief and trauma, but rarely have a safe environment to express their feelings and remorse.
If you feel you have never completely healed or recovered from an abortion experience, or that a past abortion may be affecting your current quality of life, then Surrendering the Secret is for you. This study offers a 6 step biblical healing model led by leaders who have been where you are or have experience in helping Women and Men in post stress situations.

Our Mission is to provide a supportive and confidential environment that facilitates healing and restoration from a past abortion, and bringing a sense of hope and purpose for the future.
If you have had an experience with abortion in the past, then join us for one of our upcoming Support/Bible Study Sessions by signing the form below.

The Support Group will start on Saturday, January 2 – Saturday, February 20, 2016.


If you would feel more comfortable reaching out to a Support Group Leader to find out more about the group, or to sign up, please contact us at (813) 609-8680 or g2ghelpwithabortion@gmail.com.

For more information about the Surrendering the Secret organization, or post abortion resources, please visit: http://surrenderingthesecret.com

PRAXIS @ G2G Ministries
Jan 26 2016 @ 6:00 pm – Jan 17 2017 @ 9:00 pm

Program Description

PRAXIS is a one year certification program. It is not intended to be an academic program although it will be founded upon sound theology and scholarship. PRAXIS is a program about gaining skills to design a church, start a church, and lead a church.

The program consists of twelve required core courses and an additional twelve directed reading study courses. In addition to that each student will be required to organize and execute two outreach ministry efforts.

The training material will be presented in four forms.
➢ First, a once a month classroom experience from 6:30 to 9:30.
➢ Second, one required but non-directed cohort sessions a month.
➢ Third, taking in several YouTube sessions a month.
➢ Fourth, students can get advanced standing toward commendation at graduation for helping in needed departments at the home church. The program does have required reading. However all written and other assignments will be completed together in the cohort groups.

The program is designed to prepare talented people to do meaningful ministry work. And gain up to the minute ministry insights as students of ministry.

Who is the program NOT designed to serve?

PRAXIS is not for those wanting advanced theological or biblical training. Though this is an essential element of ministry preparation PRAXIS assumes this area of development is or will be completed in other settings.

PRAXIS is not for those seeking to prepare for academic studies in theology. It is a tough hands-on program. We like to say that PRAXIS is for thinkers who want to move on to the doing stage of ministry.

Surrendering the Secret – Abortion Support Group
Jan 30 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Surrendering the Secret Support Group

It is estimated that close to 43% (1 out of 3) women of childbearing age have experienced an abortion. These are your sisters, mothers, wives and friends. These women and the men that they are connected to carry an incredible burden of silence and heartache. Many struggle for years with repressed memories, guilt, shame and depression. Most women feel they are not allowed to talk about their abortion experience, especially in church. The truth is many women who have had an abortion suffer from symptoms of post-abortion grief and trauma, but rarely have a safe environment to express their feelings and remorse.
If you feel you have never completely healed or recovered from an abortion experience, or that a past abortion may be affecting your current quality of life, then Surrendering the Secret is for you. This study offers a 6 step biblical healing model led by leaders who have been where you are or have experience in helping Women and Men in post stress situations.

Our Mission is to provide a supportive and confidential environment that facilitates healing and restoration from a past abortion, and bringing a sense of hope and purpose for the future.
If you have had an experience with abortion in the past, then join us for one of our upcoming Support/Bible Study Sessions by signing the form below.

The Support Group will start on Saturday, January 2 – Saturday, February 20, 2016.


If you would feel more comfortable reaching out to a Support Group Leader to find out more about the group, or to sign up, please contact us at (813) 609-8680 or g2ghelpwithabortion@gmail.com.

For more information about the Surrendering the Secret organization, or post abortion resources, please visit: http://surrenderingthesecret.com

Surrendering the Secret – Abortion Support Group
Feb 6 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Surrendering the Secret Support Group

It is estimated that close to 43% (1 out of 3) women of childbearing age have experienced an abortion. These are your sisters, mothers, wives and friends. These women and the men that they are connected to carry an incredible burden of silence and heartache. Many struggle for years with repressed memories, guilt, shame and depression. Most women feel they are not allowed to talk about their abortion experience, especially in church. The truth is many women who have had an abortion suffer from symptoms of post-abortion grief and trauma, but rarely have a safe environment to express their feelings and remorse.
If you feel you have never completely healed or recovered from an abortion experience, or that a past abortion may be affecting your current quality of life, then Surrendering the Secret is for you. This study offers a 6 step biblical healing model led by leaders who have been where you are or have experience in helping Women and Men in post stress situations.

Our Mission is to provide a supportive and confidential environment that facilitates healing and restoration from a past abortion, and bringing a sense of hope and purpose for the future.
If you have had an experience with abortion in the past, then join us for one of our upcoming Support/Bible Study Sessions by signing the form below.

The Support Group will start on Saturday, January 2 – Saturday, February 20, 2016.


If you would feel more comfortable reaching out to a Support Group Leader to find out more about the group, or to sign up, please contact us at (813) 609-8680 or g2ghelpwithabortion@gmail.com.

For more information about the Surrendering the Secret organization, or post abortion resources, please visit: http://surrenderingthesecret.com

G2G 2016 Super Bowl Party @ Central City YMCA
Feb 7 @ 4:30 pm – 9:30 pm


G2G will host a church and community family super bowl party which is sure to be lots of fun.

Choose your team and come and participate in an exciting party filled with lots of people, fun, food and wholesome fellowship.

The cost of the event if $5 person (Children 3 & under are free).

Please sign up with the Special Events team in the church lobby or call the church office and get on the list so you can be included.  We need the headcount so we can properly prepare so please confirm your reservation with your money by Sunday, January 31st.

Please call the office by February 6th to confirm if there is room before coming to the event.  The number is 813-832-6000.


Surrendering the Secret – Abortion Support Group
Feb 13 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Surrendering the Secret Support Group

It is estimated that close to 43% (1 out of 3) women of childbearing age have experienced an abortion. These are your sisters, mothers, wives and friends. These women and the men that they are connected to carry an incredible burden of silence and heartache. Many struggle for years with repressed memories, guilt, shame and depression. Most women feel they are not allowed to talk about their abortion experience, especially in church. The truth is many women who have had an abortion suffer from symptoms of post-abortion grief and trauma, but rarely have a safe environment to express their feelings and remorse.
If you feel you have never completely healed or recovered from an abortion experience, or that a past abortion may be affecting your current quality of life, then Surrendering the Secret is for you. This study offers a 6 step biblical healing model led by leaders who have been where you are or have experience in helping Women and Men in post stress situations.

Our Mission is to provide a supportive and confidential environment that facilitates healing and restoration from a past abortion, and bringing a sense of hope and purpose for the future.
If you have had an experience with abortion in the past, then join us for one of our upcoming Support/Bible Study Sessions by signing the form below.

The Support Group will start on Saturday, January 2 – Saturday, February 20, 2016.


If you would feel more comfortable reaching out to a Support Group Leader to find out more about the group, or to sign up, please contact us at (813) 609-8680 or g2ghelpwithabortion@gmail.com.

For more information about the Surrendering the Secret organization, or post abortion resources, please visit: http://surrenderingthesecret.com

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